A Bad Website Design increases your Bounce Rate. How & Why? | VIS® Australia

A Bad Website Design increases your Bounce Rate. How & Why?

If you participating in online marketing then you would have seen the term “bounce rate”. However, you may not know about its effects and why it happens.

What is a Bounce Rate?

Simply put, it occurs when someone visits a page on your website but leaves without visiting any other page (and then returns to the previous referenced website – this is called a “bounce”). Moreover, the bounce rate refers the number of bounces divided by the number of people visiting your website.

Is a bounce rate good or bad?

The objective of online marketing is to receive more conversions, which results from engagement. A high bounce rate means that visitors are not fully engaged with your website.
However, a high bounce rate does not mean its necessarily bad as it only depicts that the visitor has left without visiting any other page of the website. However if a person finds all the required information on the initial page and purchases, then this type of bounce is not bad.

Bad Website Design

How and Why?

Amongst the various reasons for receiving so many bounce rates could be the website design. There are numerous factors that define your website as being a poor design:

1. Irresponsive design

There are more people visiting web pages using mobile devices. People expect your web pages to be mobile-friendly.

Website content such as pictures will not be displayed properly if they are being accessed from mobile device and some sites cannot be accessed at all and are not responsive. This only increases the chances of higher bounce rates.

Irresponsive Website Design

2. Outdated Web Design

It is important that your visitors are wowed on their first impressions of your website otherwise they won’t bother looking any further Keep your website up to date and make it user-friendly and incorporate the latest trends when designing to target potential customers. Avoid unnecessary links.

3. Too many texts and irrelevant content

When describing your products or services be clear and concise about what you are promoting. The use of pictures is a good way to display your products.

Try to answer, “What’s in here for me?” is a good guide to keep you on track.

4. Poor layout

A proper layout is significant for all tasks performed. It needs to be understood and studied before implementing it. For example, a website having a menu at the bottom of the page and contact information on the top of the page is not considered a good layout.

Websites which are difficult to look at and are cluttered with too many ads usually have high bounce rates.

5.Low quality images and use of bizarre colors

Use images that are high quality and choose colours that are appealing to the eye.

6. Too slow

The more pictures and other multimedia you add to your website, the slower the website loads. According to a study by kissmetrics.com, about 40 percent of people will leave a website if it takes more than 3 seconds to load.

You may consider taking the following approach in order to boost up your website loading speed:

  • Use CDN
  • Compress images
  • Remove unnecessary codes
  • Compress CSS and JS files
  • Upgrade or change hosting provider

For more information about the bounce rates and having a good website design, book your 30-minutes FREE Consultation at https://bit.ly/2GgBJ3k.