What is EdgeRank? How do you improve your page’s EdgeRank?
Facebook is the social buzz word. Whenever people think about social media, Facebook is the first thing that pops into their heads. There are a total of 924,796,620 Facebook users in the world today which is steadily increasing in numbers daily.
Facebook users also have numerous friends. Some may have 200 or even in excess of 2000. You need to compete with your friends and other pages to have your post appear as a ‘top news’ story. Facebook filters the posts you see in the News Feeds. As the name “Top News” suggests, these are posts which Facebook believes people will find more interesting. These factors are determined by EdgeRank which is an algorithm developed by Facebook to administer what is displayed and on which position in the News Feed section.
For a better understanding of this algorithm, it’s important to know the components of how the edgerank is defined. Simply the terminology of edgerank, is any action that happens in Facebook, whether it’s a status update or likes or comments etc. The edgerank can be summarised by the following three components:
- Affinity
It measures your relationship with your fans. The more fans you have on your page and interactivity occurring the greater the visibility. Actions such as liking, commenting, sharing and clicking will influence affinity.
- Weight
It measures the popularity of your post through the number of interactions happening. In this weighting system, comments are given more value than likes. So, a post having many comments will receive a good weight.
- Time Decay
It refers to how long an edge (anything you post or comment or like) has been alive. It keeps records of recent activities. If posts are too old then the edgerank is lower.
Given below are some tips for improving your edgerank:
1. Get maximum likes on your Facebook Pages
Simply creating a page and thinking it will reach your targeted audience by itself is completely misleading. Keep your page active by regular posts and advertise if necessary to gain the maximum number of likes on your pages. The more likes you have means that people perceive a greater integrity about you and are therefore likely to be attracted to use your products or services.
2. Update your pages frequently with good content
Regularly update posts so that your audience stays connected. While posting should not only focus on your business its desirable to have your audience in mind and post for them as well to prevent boredom. The more fans that are attracted to your post, the higher it will be on the edgerank. So be careful while making posts.
3. Schedule your post
Making bulk posts on one day and none on the next day is not considered professional. If you have a collection of posts try and spread them evenly over the coming days. Many posts become stale within 12-24 hours. That’s why scheduling your posts daily for interaction with your audiences is important to gain their attention. To monitor progress, you can use the leading social media dashboard called HootSuite.
4. Ask for like, share and comment
For a better audience engagement from your post, add a call to action which is a must to gain their attention. If you have a meaningful post and you do not have a call to action included it’s an opportunity lost from gaining a higher edgerank positioning
5. Interact with your audience posting questions and fill in the blanks
For better interactivity with your fans, ask them some funny questions or simple give them a set of questions where they simply fill in the blanks. This helps to maintain their interest. You can even ask IQ type of questions and reward your fans with gift hampers. But keep these questions short, effective and easy to answer. For example, instead of asking “which is your favorite OS?” ask “Windows or Linux?” Responses will be shorter with fewer choices. In this instance you have given two options which make it easier to answer.
EdgeRank looks at all the options that are connected to the user or fan or audience and then ranks each edge based on the importance and reaction from them.
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