Top 5 Web design trends for 2014 | VIS® Australia

Top 5 Web design trends for 2014

Technology is forever changing with more improvements and demands from the marketplace. So it is with the websites. Just compare the websites of five years ago till now. There’s a huge difference. Older websites were boring with little graphics, scrambled content and cumbersome sidebars whereas the current websites are more interactive with attractive graphics, good color-combinations, well managed text and great images. If you want your website to stand out this year, then continue to read this article and see what web design trends are emerging.

Flat design

When reference is made to the word“flat design”, Win 8 is what most people imagine. Also with the recent release of iOS7, Apple ditched the skeuomorphism and came up with a flat design.

Mobile first

In just a few years, Smartphones and tablet usage have skyrocketed, overtaking desktop traffic for many websites. In the current year, mobile devices will continue to dominate and designers will need to rethink how their designs will fit on smaller screens. The adaption to the new mobile design is increasing at a rapid rate. It’s a time when designers and developers say “Mobile first” so that companies can benefit from more agile marketing driven by new innovation.

Replace long text with Videos

The saying “A picture speaks a thousand words”, however a video speaks even more. Videos are becoming easier to produce and it’s an effective way to communicate with your audience. Make 2014 the year of engagement where users visit a website are entertained by videos.

Dropping the sidebar

Since it’s the trend of flat designs, the sidebars are being dropped. This ultimately allows a greater visual impact and the content is easier to read.

Long scrolling websites

With better designs and well placed text more sites, today are avoiding loading new pages and preferring instead to present additional content on the current page.

Designers and developers! Keep your eyes open as this trend is changing the way websites are designed.  Contact VIS today at 08 8338 3846 for the latest up to date news regarding the digital market.