Mobile marketing in today’s world | VIS® Australia

Mobile marketing in today’s world

Today’s world is a technological one. Technology has been spreading at a tremendous speed the world over. ….. One of the greatest examples to be considered is the number of cell phones. There are about 7.068billion people around the world according to the statistics issued in 2012 and over 7billion people use mobile phones. Hence, it’s making it easier for them to be kept informed, be warned or being able to share … business related topics or other issues quickly. In this way sharing of ideas is another way of marketing and popularizing .. brands … Marketing through cell phones or mobiles is known as mobile marketing.
So now your customers are not restricted to their home or offices. From a marketing point of view, its critical to stay on top and provide exclusive marketing solutions to match unique opportunities that each of these mobile devices can offer. Listed are examples of mobile marketing worth exploring further, depending on your target audience preferences:

  • SMS:

SMS stands for short message server. It is also known as texting messages. It is a powerful medium. Over the past few years SMS marketing has become a legitimate advertising channel in many parts of the world. Marketing through SMS keeps the customer up to date with information relating to any products. So, for a customer it’s easy to stay connected wherever they are if they have cell phones.

  • E-mail and Website:

The format of e-mails and websites should be easily readable on phones. An effective way to do this is to avoid extensive HTML emails. They contain too many graphics. Use short messages so that people won’t be bored or frustrated scrolling the text to comprehend the message.

  • Mobile Applications:

To stay connected with your customer its imperative to keep them up to date One solution is to create an application for your business. An application is a small piece of software that can easily be downloaded on a Smartphone. The app can include many things according to the business such as blogs, latest news, video, companies’ special offer etc. In this way your customers are kept to date and are informed of new products and offers.

  • Push Notification:

A push notification can be compared to a SMS but its free ..with your app. For example if there is anything new or changes, the customers then press push notification and a message is sent. A pop up is visible on the customers phone after the push notification is sent. The notification can be sent to targeted customers.

  • QR-codes:

QR-codes, short for Quick Response barcodes, allows the customer to quickly learn more about a business. This occurs if you have a smart phone. Simply visit the mobile version on their business page through your mobile and scan the bar code to achieve the required results and information.

  • Mobile advertisements:

Every day, millions of people use their mobile phones to browse the web. Previously a popular way of popularizing your business was advertising. Advertisements can influence your customers to buy your products. Mobile advertisements is another alternative for the business to gain additional interest from their customers. This type of advertising is now commonly known as a Mobile Web Banner (top of page) or Mobile Web Poster (bottom of page banner). Other forms of advertisements can be sms advertisement, mms advertisement, advertising within mobile games and mobile videos etc.

Mobile marketing is one of the most effective ways of marketing in today’s environment. All you need is to think about how to take your existing marketing campaigns and implement them in the world of mobile marketing.

So now you have read through the Mobile marketing in today’s world, what are you going to do next? Hopefully you’ve written down your ideas, made lots of notes and started to form a strategic plan.

Now comes the challenging part. Now it’s time for you to take action.

Helping You Take Action

At VIS we show clients how to build a Results- Driven Online Solutions. Here the client discovers how to clearly identify and define everything that they want to focus on over the next quarter. Online Business, and especially the area of marketing, is far too dynamic not to have an action plan. A proactive business must be anticipating changes. They must plan and review their progress constantly.
If so just feel free to Contact VIS at 08-8338-3846 . We are just a call away from you.