Gamification of your business | VIS® Australia

Gamification of your business

Gamification can be defined as the technique of using game mechanics in order to help you drive participation, engagement and motivation on your online service or site. Game mechanics can be considered as tools that leverage your innate desire for competition, achievement, status, reward, altruism etc. More and more companies are adopting gamification to improve engagement with both employees and customers. For example, Nike built Nike+ platform to engage fitness enthusiasts to take their workouts to the next level. W3schools uses gamification to enhance learning experiences for students.

The game mechanism might be in the form of earning badges, trophies and achievements; tracking and rewarding online activity; competing for position on league tables; creating virtual identities for self expression, collaborating as part of a team; spreading the word via Social Media such as Facebook, Twitter etc.

These techniques can encourage people to perform chores that they consider to be boring, such as completing surveys, determining employee performance, training etc. By wrapping game elements around your existing online services or site, you can provide compelling user experiences and engage your customers and employees more deeply, effectively and happily.

Focusing more on business objectives, gamification can help make the workplace more engaging and productive because it changes the rules of engagement and inspires employees to change their behavior as a result. Enterprise gamification is one of the most exciting and fastest-growing areas of gamification. It has been estimated that by 2015, 40percent of Global 1000 organizations will use gamification as the primary mechanism to transform business operations.

So be proactive and implement gamification to your business. If you want the next level of success in your business, just feel free to contact VIS at 08-8338-3846. We are just a call away.