April 21 – Remember the date for Google’s new Update
We have heard about several Google’s algorithm update (and many of us are victims too) from Penguin to Panda and Hummingbird being the latest. But on April 21st, Google will introduce a completely new algorithm update.
What is the new Google algorithm update?
Google’s new algorithm update is none other than a “mobile-friendly algorithm” which will have a “significant impact” on mobile search results all over the world.
Why is this update important?
4 out of 5 users use mobile devices to access the internet. In many cases, users are introduced to irresponsive (mobile unfriendly) webpages where it’s difficult to click the links without zooming and scrolling to find the right links. Users are frustrated with such results and to solve this problem, Google has stated this update is essential to enhance the searches.
Will my website ranking be effected with this mobile friendly algorithm?
Google is prioritising mobile friendly websites to rank higher than non-mobile friendly websites. So, if your website is not mobile friendly then it’s not likely to appear in the top pages of Google for mobile search results.
Does this algorithm affect search results on desktop or laptops?
This algorithm update is solely for mobile devices such as smartphones and tablets. Any Google searches conducted from PCs will not be affected by this update.
How is this update different than other updates?
While talking about other updates such as Penguin, Panda or Hummingbird, it usually takes time to show its effects. These updates roll out first in the United States and then followed in other countries. However, this mobile friendly algorithm is worldwide, page-by-page and on a real time basis.
• Worldwide:
This algorithm update affects the mobile search results globally at the same time.
• Page by page:
Each page of your website is treated separately. Hence if your website’s homepage is responsive but the services page is not, then your homepage will not be affected by other irresponsive webpages like the services page.
• Real time:
The time when Googlebots crawl your responsive webpages, the mobile friendly ranking algorithm will quickly start processing to rank those pages.
Today’s web presence must be mobile friendly and moreover, Google is making a mobile friendly website, a ranking factor.
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