7 great ways to generate leads from your website | VIS® Australia

7 great ways to generate leads from your website

Marketing strategies have been evolving and changing ever since customers can buy products that they want from the internet in the comfort of their own homes. One of the major problems small business marketers face is to getting started to attract traffic to their website with Inbound Marketing. You may have printed flyers, sent out newsletters, posted on social media but what is important is that “lead” that you need to grow your company.

Here are 7 great ways to generate leads from your website:

1. eBooks

eBooks are the  electronic form of paper books, this is a common definition but what many of us  don’t realise that it is a new way of generating leads, especially for B2B companies. While preparing an eBook, don’t promote your services or products but write it from a neutral point of view and provide actionable insights.

2. Blog

Blogs are said to be one of the backbone of a good website and are an excellent lead generating tool. It allows the website to gain an undivided attention of the reader and allows the company to take complete control of what is said. Make sure your blog is optimised and is able to collect user leads from a subscribe section which includes their phone.

3. Headlines

Content of a website is king and it’s the headline which defines its success. A great headline triggers your audiences to click on your links and is more likely to be discovered by the search engines. Many media outlets have built their fortunes on catchy headlines and slogans but the catch is that your content needs to be very good.

4. Micro Landing page

A landing page is the heart of a website if you are trying to sell a product or to collect user emails. Internet users have very short attention spans and only allow a few seconds to spend time on your website, so it needs to be compelling.
A micro landing page is a full-page pop-up and responds to specific user behavior. Adding a well-designed micro-landing page can convert your visits to leads. And yes, don’t forget to add a phone number, it may seem backward but it builds trust and boosts the credibility of your company.

5. Customer Referrals

A good review or a referral is the greatest compliment a business owner can receive from their existing customers.  If your customers are satisfied with your service or products, they are more likely to refer you to other people in their network. Ask your customers to refer others, and create a rewards program as a way of generating referrals from your customers.

6. Social Media

Users on the Internet spend hours daily on social media platforms. Social media represents a great platform for small business owners as being a cost-effective way to connect with their clients to generate leads. Keep your followers and subscribers up to date regarding your products and remember to share useful and relevant posts, engage in conversation with your followers. Provide value and information to your followers as it gains trust – it’s the key.
Social media platforms like Facebook and Twitter allows you to promote your page, post or product, create such ads and don’t forget to link your website to your social profiles. But before getting your business on any social media platforms its equally important to know which social media platform best suits your business.

7. SEO

Search Engine Optimisation or SEO allows your business to be visible on search engines. Designing and developing a website is not enough if the user can’t reach it. Develop a strategy in such a way that it appears among the SERP for specific keywords. Optimise every page and link your website to all of your social media platforms.
Small businesses have many cost-effective strategies that they can explore. Once you identify the effective methods, scale up gradually as your business expands.

Versatile Information Solutions (VIS) is an Australia based Digital Marketing Agency focusing on generating quality leads for businesses as we use proven marketing strategies to boost your profits by 20-30% in just 90 days. For more information write us at info@visnetwork.com.au or ring us at 1300 777 847.