5 ways to drive more traffic to your website | VIS® Australia

5 ways to drive more traffic to your website

For generating leads and sales, the website plays a vital role. The more people that can find your website, the more opportunities arise to generate leads and gaining new prospects. One vital step is to drive maximum traffic to your website. It’s a challenge but if handled in the right way, then it’s easy. Below are 5 ways to drive more traffic to your website.

1. Optimise your website for SEO

SEO is a must for your business. From the right keyword selection to excellent content and targeted advertising (based on location, age or gender), it’s possible to drive more traffic to your website immediately. SEO optimised websites generate more ROI than any other kind of inbound or outbound marketing. Check it out from SEO audits and analysis software such as SEMrush or Alexa and analyse your website.

2. Keep blogging and promote it

Blogging is another way to drive more traffic to your website. Update your blogs frequently even on a daily basis as this helps to generate more traffic. Check the difference and see the traffic generation from these two strategies.

Once you publish a blog, share it on other available Social Media channels. Your blog posts can be further highlighted by spending a few extra dollars by targeting your audience.

3. Invest some time in choosing catchy headline ads

Spend time generating catchy headlines because 8 out of 10 people will read your headlines whereas the remaining 2 will continue to read the rest of your posts. That is why, whether you are running Facebook ads, PPC or LinkedIn ads, it’s crucial to attract your readers via exceptional headlines so that   they are compelled to click on your ad which will automatically drive more traffic to your website (the ad must be linked to your website).

4. Automate your emails

Drive relevant traffic to your website through email automation. Use automatic email follow ups of Digital Marketing4u, a proud partner of Active Campaign, by incorporating a few settings and action set ups. Promote your content through your email marketing to existing customers and generate more traffic to your website. Follow up emails have a greater impact on non-respondent’s emails. There’s an increased open rate of 20 – 30% by using follow up emails which increases the probability of driving more people to your website.

5. Host a webinar or workshop

If you are a speaker then here’s an opportunity to show your talent and drive even more traffic to your website. Pick a topic and create an entertaining/educating presentation along with a phenomenal guide and present a webinar (with your website link).

Prabin Gautam, a renowned Australian digital speaker has organised several workshops on digital marketing. He recently presented a successful workshop on “how to automate your social media!” and now on 23rd October, he is running another workshop on “make money with the Google family workshop”.

Book your seat now and view his workshop details here.

So, have you considered implementing these smart steps to drive more traffic to your website? If not, then do it NOW! Do not lose your prospects by lagging behind what your competitors are already doing. For more tips on generating traffic to your website, contact us directly on 1300 777 847.