Top 7 SEO Mistakes Damaging Your Website Ranking
Sometimes, SEO Marketing is oversimplified. An online marketing agency may try to convince you that having simple keywords in the paragraphs of your online content will be enough to perch your site at the #1 spot of search engines such as Google; that is not always the case.
Our SEO specialists are painfully aware of 7 SEO mistakes that will damage your website’s ranking.
- Fixating On Short-Term Results
It is very exciting to see instant results when you take on the services of an online marketing agency that promises to change your business with rapid speed, but such results tend to be expensive, unsustainable, and not derived from very many organic leads.
The most important result of the SEO content is organic leads. Securing them, which can require a few months of research, analysis, and hard work, is the key to enjoying sustainable, long-term traffic.
Once it takes off, it generally continues like a plant does, requiring care, nurturing, and – most of all – patience. We must be an online marketing agency that conducts a mature, long-term plan for your business.
- Not Evolving With The Times
Nothing lasts forever, this includes the behavior of the market. It is not enough to study global trends. We are a Melbourne SEO company that does not lose sight of the fact that Melbourne itself has its own culture – yes, even its own search engine trends.
To bring our clients the long-term traffic that really marks a successful SEO campaign, we must conduct extensive research into the evolution of our local and global markets.
- Overdoing Key Words
Many SEO companies simply cram keywords into their content, making it feel pushy, unnatural, and selfish. Google – wishing to remove this content from its search engine results – lowers the rank of websites that contain it.
As such, every SEO services company must write content mindfully, implementing keywords into their client’s paragraphs in a way that is easy on the eyes.
- Having A Narrow Digital Marketing Campaign
The internet offers you so many opportunities for generating SEO leads that it’s very easy to overlook niche markets.
SEO keywords can be present on more than just your website pages, they can be written into your Facebook posts, Instagram posts, Twitter posts, blog posts, meme posts, forum posts, and even your online video descriptions – after all, all of these things appear on search engines.
Think that they are too niche to make use of? Let us show you how we would insert your business into these niche markets.
- Plagiarism
Unfortunately, some SEO writers will resort to plagiarising the content of other websites in order to keep up with their writing deadlines. Not only is this unlawful and shady from an ethical standpoint, but when Google catches a website in the act, Google reduces that website’s rank on its search engine!
This is why any SEO company must nurture passionate and creative content writers, who have the conditions to produce real, original content.
- Uninspired Content
Your website’s content will drive users away if it’s grammatically incorrect, too long, too dry or too repetitive.
At the end of the day, SEO generates leads. It is the content that drives a user to take the final step. Any online marketing agency must facilitate every step of that buyer’s journey.
- Over-Complicating The Buyer’s Journey
It is easy to carelessly waste your user’s time if they don’t have a clear path between your content and your dealership page. If they keep clicking onto pages that contain repeated information, they are likely to become annoyed with your website.
It takes professional and visionary web design to build a website which:
. Contains an array of unique pages that all hit various SEO niches
. Avoids sending the user stumbling over too many pages during their search for what they want
We at VIS understand how important it is to guide users to the dealership page precisely when they want to be, not before or after.
If you are looking for a trusted SEO Company that can help your website rank on top of Google with a transparent process and regular reporting system, book your consultation by clicking HERE or call us on 1300 777 847.