Refresh Your Website for 2021 | VIS® Australia

Refresh Your Website for 2021

Make Your Calls to Action Clear

It’s important that you guide your website visitors in the right direction with a clear call to action. By doing this you ensure that the visitor is not confused and that they don’t become annoyed or irritated if they are interested in contacting you.
A clear call to action means more satisfaction for both the visitor and your business too, as potential clients aren’t slipping away.
It is easy to include calls to action in your website. There’s an example below of one of ours. Make it clear and easy to use for the visitor and place them in places which are easy to find. You can place them on your main page and also various places throughout your website such as on pages that promote your services.

Use Minimal Design: Align Your Design to Current Trends

Your website should flow and be easy to follow. By using a minimalistic design you can achieve this whilst following the current trend that is minimalism.
By using a minimalistic design your website instantly becomes less cluttered and easy to follow, which means visitors won’t become overwhelmed with information and graphics.
It’s important to use fonts that are easy to read and any graphics that are included should make sense with the text. Your text should be clear and concise and using dot points is a good way to do this. Make sure you are including the most important information when deciding what to write and avoid using big slabs of text.
Lastly, you can bold or underline keywords and take away messages to make it easier for the visitor to read and this can help reduce the amount of writing you will need to do; overall creating a more minimalistic look.

Use Authentic, Relevant, Real Photos

To make your website feel more personal to the visitor, it’s important to use real, relevant and authentic photos and graphics rather than stock photos.
By using real photos such as pictures of your team members or pictures of your results, this adds a personal branding touch and can lead to higher conversion rates as the website visitor may feel like your brand and website is more trustworthy and reliable.
You want the visitor to feel welcomed and comfortable on your website because without these feelings, the visitor is less likely to get in contact with you.
Below is an example of how we use real photos of our team to make our website feel more personal.

Update Your Content: Remove Outdated Company Information

It’s important that your website only contains current and relevant information. This is for the obvious reason that you do not want your website visitors to be given information that is not correct.
By constantly updating your website content you also keep the website fresh which can mean more visitors to your website and ideally more conversions!
It’s important to keep your website up-to-date, so make sure you update your old content such as your blogs, to keep the information fresh and relevant.

Add a Conversational Form

Conversational forms are a great way to communicate with the visitors on your website and gain more conversions. A Conversational Form is a concept by SPACE10 that allows you to track and report insights and collect information about your website visitors easily and quickly.
By adding a conversational form you also make the website feel more personal and trendy which your visitors will love.

Smooth Performance: Slow Loading, File Size

A final way to refresh your website for 2021 is to make sure it runs smoothly for your visitors. Avoid using large file sizes as this will slow down your website which can be incredibly frustrating for the visitor.
Once again, having a website with good performance will help you get more conversions and overall improve the outcomes and results for your business. It benefits both you and the visitor.

Your business can benefit hugely from refreshing and updating your website and we can help you with that! We guarantee a 20-30% increase in leads in just 90 days. If this sounds of interest to you, you can book a free 30-minute no-obligation consultation with us here: Free 30 minutes Business Consultation.