New Marketing & Strategy Trend
Attraction Marketing is a new marketing method that is an effective way of obtaining targeted traffic to your website, product or service. Marketing’s main aim is to generate sales for a business and Attraction Marketing is no exception. Traditional models of selling (whether its online or off line) for MLM companies in the past meant for a lot of people in the MLM industry they approached everyone they knew with information about their product or service.
“People who try to be everything to everybody wind up meaning nothing special to anyone.” Ann Sieg, The Renegade Network Marketer
The goal is to be able to understand your market well enough that you can provide content in your articles, blog posts etc specifically relating to the topics that mean the most to our targeted audience. Being able to assist your potential visitor with valuable information that can help solve their problems and concerns allows you to build a rapport and trust with your visitors. This takes the focus off the product and service and on you and your brand helping you to be become the expert.
Who is your customer?
Basically this is one way of asking ‘Who specifically are my potential customers?’. Who is going to benefit from your product or service? Start with the benefits of the product, who can it help and what lead you to this product/service. Take your time with this, you need to be really specific. Age, location, work, education, etc. Does you potential customer have a small family? Are they single? Is it someone who works in the construction industry? This is the first and important point because in marketing (what ever method you choose) you always need to have this clear. Its also important when starting up a business in general, you need to know exactly who your potential customer is to help validate whether your potential new business will be viable.
Take a pen and paper, go to a quiet place and think about your product or service and who gains the most value? Is it information you can provide which will hep investors make more money? Is it a product that helps families with small children? Create a list of phrases or keywords you think people from the niche you have decided on will search for in Google.
How do I test how well I have defined my target market?
Its time to validate how viable your potential customer base is by typing in the phrases you have put together into the Google search engine to see if there is demand on information for these given topics. The ultimate aim is to get into the top 5 ranking. This small test will help you ascertain if your competition is too strong or too competitive.
The desired results we are looking for when searching phrases in Google searches;
Search result at 500,000 or smaller, One or more paid advertised ads appearing on either the top or right hand side of the screen. This shows there is sufficient traffic to warrant advertisers to pay to have their ads placed on this page and a healthy amount of competition for the organic search listing. (Organic is referring to Google searching all website for a result for a particular search).
What does it mean when the search engine provides one million or more search results? The competition on these key phrases is very competitive. Here is an example to demonstrate how by slightly changing your key phrases provide you different results; if I wanted to start an online business selling shows for women approx 18 to 35 years of age one of my phrases could be ‘Women’s Shoes’. Google shows a result of 82,400,000 items to choose from. This highlights these key words are not viable because of the high competition already established around these keywords.
New search term ‘Women’s High Heel Shoes’ have a result of 3,540,000. One more search for this example ‘ladies high heel shoes’ provides a result of 1,180,000. By being more specific it can help you to find the key phrases that meet the original criteria.
Please note: you start off as focusing on a niche but then you break it down to a smaller section within that niche.
Go to Google and note how many search results appear for the keywords you have created.
What are my potential customers searching for?
You now have a base of whom you want to target. The psychology behind what drives a person to buy is very important. When people purchase a product they are in a heightened emotional state. Now that you have your niche or selected group of customers selected, what concerns or issues do they have to want them to search for what you have to offer in the first place? If it’s a product to help people with newborn babies, is it because the product provides them peace of mind while the baby is asleep or creates a safer environment travelling? The aim of this part of the exercise is to understand why people are searching? This will help you to trigger an emotional response when offering your product.
What are the answers to your potential customers concerns?
Point three was to help you understand what emotional triggers your potential customers are searching for. Create content to help provide your potential customers practical solutions to these concerns. Its important that your focus is always what your customer needs and how useful your content will assist them. Creating information based on this content will help you to build rapport, trust and present yourself as an authority on that topic as your potential customer gets to know you.
This is the core component of Attraction Marketing. You now have a better understanding of what your potential customers needs are and are providing them valuable insight and answers to their concerns through the information your providing. This information isn’t t be stored in a safe until a person actually buys from you, the information needs to be relevant and shared consistently through your log posts, articles, social media sites i.e. Facebook, Twitter etc. This helps you to create the relationship, to offer something for nothing that is beneficial to that person.
What format should I use?
There are a lot of free methods that allow you to distribute your material to the masses;
Blog posts,
Squidoo lens,
Video Marketing and lots more.
My tip- create a 3 to 5 part series on a particular topic. This helps you maximum the use of the keywords and distribute and connect your content over different locations to increase your links to and from your website.
Wrap Up – How will Attraction Marketing provide you the result you need?
Providing valuable content to assist your potential customers allows you to be build rapport, creditability and trust. This marketing strategy helps draw people to your website through how you present yourself. You start to truly connect with people as friends not as prospects.
In summary;
Utilizing the right keywords that people are searching for helps you to gain an audience. Providing valuable information encourages the person to learn more about you. The potential customer stays in contact with you, benefits from what they have received from you and purchases from you in due course.
Best Wishes
If you are wanting next level of success in your business, just feel free to Contact VIS at 08-8338-3846 . We are just a call away from you.