LinkedIn celebrates its 10th Birthday | VIS® Australia

LinkedIn celebrates its 10th Birthday

Did you wish a Happy Birthday to LinkedIn? The world’s most professional social networking site just turned 10 this Sunday.Back on May 5, 2003, Reed Hoffman launched LinkedIn in his living room and asked hundreds of his friends and colleagues to join in. Now, with 10 years of success, it has more than 200 million users. LinkedIn has become such a big hit.

Among the 200 million users, 77 million members of LinkedIn are situated in the United States of America followed by India in second place with 19 million members and then Brazil with 12 million members.

Just recently LinkedIn announced a renovated section of visually enriched mobile apps. Although it was only two years ago when significant changes were made to the design and navigation areas. Now, with the updated LinkedIn apps, it will allow users to move around more freely.

It is worthy to note that LinkedIn was launched a year ahead of Facebook and is three years older than Twitter and eight years older than Google+.

Hoffman’s future strategist says “Our vision at LinkedIn is to create economic opportunity for every professional in the world.” With its strong professional acquisitions and the huge number of users, LinkedIn seems set for another decade of redefining professional networking.

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