How to monetise cross device marketing? | VIS® Australia

How to monetise cross device marketing?

These days, conversation in marketing is all about mobile. It is the leading next development in digital advertising.  “Consumers are living in a cross-device world,” said Kurt Hawks, General Manager for Greystripe, San Francisco. “They’re jumping across PCs, smartphones and tablets to complete an activity, and therefore, marketing efforts need to reflect cross-device consumer behavior. Accordingly, 89 percent of the digital media buyers we surveyed consider it critical to target the same user across different devices, they know the importance of putting the consumer and their daily actions first to drive superior results,” he said.

According to a new report from ValueClick Media and Greystripe, one-third of digital media budgets will be allocated to cross device campaigns this year. That’s requiring more money and it’s essential to monetise cross device marketing in the best possible way. Listed below are some tips on monetising cross device marketing:

1.       Focus on the consumer

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Focusing on the consumers is the right way of doing cross marketing as it becomes problematic to do otherwise. Consumer media time is highly fragmented as different devices are used for different tasks. True cross-device marketing refers to targeting the same users across these devices.

“When it comes to cross-device advertising strategies, the requirement today is to focus on the consumer, not the device,” Mr. Hawks said. “Devices are behavioral attributes associated with a user. Mobile must be considered in light of each individual user, just like any other behavioral attribute,” he said.

2.       Determine user interest and behavior across all devices and channels

Using a profile that has both user interest and behavior data is another good way of doing cross device marketing. The user interest data to target individuals often varies significantly by cross devices. There is the audience in PC-based platforms as well as the audience who are interested in mobile platforms.  But mobile platforms are more valuable for PC vendors because PC vendors do not have a good understanding of mobile behavior of an individual.

3.       Cross-device data analytics

Cross-device data analytics allows media buyers and planners to develop sophisticated re-targeting campaigns that match their audiences’ purchase journeys. Moreover, this journey is becoming fragmented as a user may research a product on their work desktop, continue to browse on their mobile and make the final purchase from their home desktop. Through Cross-device data, it is now feasible to find customers who have visited a desktop site from their mobile devices and determine their behavior as they move across devices . So are you using the cross device data analytics?

Marketers report numerous benefits from cross-device strategies, with 52 percent saying a cross-device approach optimises the performance of the entire media budget, 50 percent saying it expands the reach of campaigns and 50 percent saying it is more cost-efficient.

Many people via cross-device marketing are achieving good results but for better results, it is essential to focus on the above mentioned tips.

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