Google + is now more like Facebook | VIS® Australia

Google + is now more like Facebook

Google + is implementing a feature which already exists on Facebook. This is making it easier for you to discover what your friends like on Google+ by highlighting posts that have been +1’d by people in your circle on your stream. It also highlights your own well-received posts to your friends in their main stream.

This feature started on Tuesday which is similar to the way Facebook posts highlights. Now in your Google+ mainstream, you can see a friend of a friend’s post if several of your friends in your circle +1’d the post.

The posts or contents appearance are based on the privacy or permission to whom you allow to see the posts. So, a post which you make visible on your circles is visible to them only. But the one you make public is visible to friends of friends and other strangers have the ability to share your post.

If you’d rather keep your +1’s private on Google+ you can customize who can see your +1’s highlighted in their stream from the Settings pages within Google+.

If you were not aware about this new feature then now is the time to check your Google+ profile. Share your thoughts and feedback in our email or if you have any doubts, feel free to call us at 0431 041 875.