Five Things You Can Do To Make Your Facebook Work For You | VIS® Australia

Five Things You Can Do To Make Your Facebook Work For You

1. Complete Your Profile Or Page

Take time to complete your profile or page information to make it interactive and eye catching for your fans or customers with attractive cover/profile pictures and include texts.

2. Invest In Your Page

Include Facebook ads in your marketing budget to help increase your Likes, engagement, visibility, promoting events, marketing your products or services, etc.

3. Facebook Edge-rank

Edgerank determines what posts appear on a Facebook user’s newsfeed. Facebook EdgeRank formula includes Affinity, Weight and Time Decay.

4. Post Regularly

Create a content calendar so that post regularly even if you have a busy schedule and add a personal experience to your page or profile every time.

5. Respond To All Comments

Respond to all comments and ensure that your settings will allow people to post on your Page and your Page has its ”messages” turned on, so that people can send you private messages too.

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